Monday, November 30, 2020

Quick Change

I heard this morning that the car cannot be fixed at Gabriola Automotive—and the problem is a serious one. Deb called early this morning. As I write this second sentence, the eleven o’clock news is on the radio. I’m finally posting because ever since her call, I’ve been arranging my schedule for tomorrow.

I faced having my car towed to a repair shop in Nanaimo. So, I found a dealer with a service department that can handle Fiats, and soon found myself looking at the used cars they had for sale. They have a van that would be an ideal camper for Sheba and me.

To make a long difficult story short: Kevin, my fabulous neighbour, is taking me to the dealership in Nanaimo tomorrow on the ten am ferry—with the tow-truck and my car—and I expect to trade-in my car for the van and come home shortly thereafter in the new (used: 2015) vehicle (above).

I’m terribly excited. I’ll miss my fabulous little Fiat with the huge sunroof, it was ideal for the city. But this new car is far, far better suited for my life on Gabriola. 

Sunday, November 29, 2020

A Big Walk

Saturday was a truly lovely day—and a long one. I was out in the shed fetching wood at four am. I took Sheba for a walk and as we walked through a forest full of mushrooms and water, I pondered how best to get Diet Coke and the key to my postal box that’s in my car at the automotive shop.

We came home, I packed my knapsack and Sheba and I set out on a long walk into the village—a first-time experience. I’d mapped out a route via two trails I knew well, and three trails I’d never been on before. Finding the new trails and walking them would be a bit of a challenge, I knew—trails often split, and it isn’t obvious which one to take—but I was up for it.

I mostly went for the walk. It was such a stunning day. But I also wanted to get Diet Coke (as I explained in my previous post). We set out to walk via forest trails for eight kilometers and beside the road on the new sand bed for the new sidewalk our community is getting for one-point-five K. It was a healthy invigorating thing to do together on a beautiful day.

We left, with me feeling full of adventure, just before ten, and I took my new camera. We did it in just under two hours, and just as I entered the store I saw Regina who offered us a ride home. I enthusiastically accepted and filled my backpack with Diet Coke (given that I didn’t have to carry them back). The cats were giddy to see us when we got back. Everyone wanted lunch, and then we all relaxed in our nice warm cabin in the woods with the low Winter sunlight streaming in through the windows.

In the evening, a long-time friend called. I’ve known Bev since we were in high school together; we’ve been fast friends all our lives. She called because she has suddenly started to stutter. She could not believe it. I could not believe it. What a conversation we had! 

She, however, expects her stutter to go away. She’s been on opioid pain medication for ages and is now on withdrawal. She believes her stuttering is one of her many, dreadful, withdrawal symptoms that are expected to be temporary. We’ll see.

Today began bright and clear but soon clouded over. I walked Her Highness, and then frittered the day away doing some writing, watching a movie and chopping some wood. Now, I’m impatiently waiting for tonight’s episode of the Great British Baking Show. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Bang! The Long Walk Home

Friday began with a lovely forest dog walk with my group. Then, when Sheba and I started on our way home, the engine went “bonk,” warning lights came on and then the car died. It would not re-start. I pushed it onto the side of the road and headed home.

We were well south of home on the main road, North Road, and Her Highness absolutely hates walking beside the road. Traffic frightens her. So, we walked further south to a road that leads to a trail I knew that would take us North to Coates Road.  

From there, I followed a trail going north that I didn’t know. It only took me a short way and ended back on North Road. However, across North Road was another trail, and so we took it and I was able to find my way, entirely on trails, all the way back to the end of my street—four houses from home. All last Summer’s trail exploring really paid off for me yesterday!

It took me an hour and a half to walk home. I had all that time to figure out what to do. When I got home, Sheba went directly to bed, and I called the tow truck and arranged to have Tom pick up the car and take it to Gabriola Automotive. Then I called Deb and told her the car was coming.

Finally, I called my neighbour, Kevin. He drove me back to the car so that I could put the key behind the gas cap and get my soft drinks from the trunk. Then he brought me home. (I wanted the Diet Coke because the one time I stopped drinking caffeinated drinks, I wound up in hospital with arrythmia in the artery feeding my heart—Prinzmetal Angina.)

Now I wait to hear what’s wrong with the car. I expect bad—expensive—news. I reckon I won’t have the car until the middle of next week.

I’d put a laundry load into the washer before I left for the walk, so I hung it up once Kevin departed, and then I fed the pets. They were all hungry. And then it was my turn; by the time I sat down to eat, it was one o’clock. Lunch took seconds to eat.  

I’d planned on working in the studio, but that was out. I wanted to chill in the warmth of the house, so I stoked up the fire and puttered the day away.

Meanwhile, in L.A., Steve wakes up Monday to life under a health order banning inter-household mingling of any kind. Steve is the most social person I know, but he lives alone and is with people every single night of the week. It’s going to be interesting to see how he copes.

Today has dawned brilliantly clear and it’s not cold! I will try to get one of my Maples dug up today and transferred to its new home. I’ll also chop wood with the splitting axe that Kevin left me. Tomorrow is predicted to be wet again, but come Sunday, we’re expecting a week of sunshine to begin.

Chinese Chrysanthemum

Friday, November 27, 2020

G. F. Handel : "Quella flamma" from «Arminio»

Oh my God, I loved this. I was weeping and went absolutely nuts clapping at the end. I love counter-tenors and oboes. This is dreamy, as is the piece, the intimate setting and the thrill this performance was for both performers.

I ❤️ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (and Jagmeet Singh)