Sunday, February 23, 2020

My Exotic Dreamland!

Yesterday afternoon, I re-seeded part of my front yard. I went to the nursery and got two bags of (heavy) soil and some seed and covered the poor parts of my front lawn with the new seed.  I was served by Clarence at the nursery; he’s a very friendly chap of many talents and in our conversation I discovered he’s interested in getting a, or some, Bengal cats, so I have invited him for dinner. I’m slowly expanding my social circle.
By nine o’clock, I was so tired I couldn’t stay awake, so I went to bed. Once asleep, I headed of to a very busy, multi-layered Chinese restaurant wearing my fabulous (and expensive) hound’s tooth coat. I was stunned by the friendliness of the staff; they drowned me with gifts. Soon I was bedecked in extraordinarily bright red and gold clothes—including some incredible red paten shoes with embroidery patches on the crown—and lots, and lots of accessories. But when it was time to go, I could not find my coat and soon came to realize that my fine friends had, in fact, besotted me with their gifts and cheap glittery finery in exchange for my coat that they had stolen.
I fled and found myself roaming through a huge Asian market with everyone pushing their wares on me and then, as the booths and crowds started to thin, it started to rain as Oxen, looking more like ceramic versions of the animal than the real things, forced me against a wall.
And then I woke up and felt absolutely overwhelmed by the strength of the emotions of the dream. Or so I thought. 
I went to the bathroom and had trouble walking and realized that, for the second time this month, I’d taken my HIV drug twice. I seem to wake up and take a second dose in the blur of semi-consciousness and they are psychotropic—hence, the vivid and wonderfully colourful dreams. (I’m going to relocate my drug so I can’t double dose any more.)
Back to bed and off to a huge agricultural fair with a group of strangers. I left something in a locker in the food fair area that I wanted to recover later, and wandered off to see the sites.
First I met a beautiful blonde haired young man who wanted to pick me up but I brushed him off because by then I was intent on finding the locker and recovering my who knows what. But then I realized how lucky I’d been to have so handsome a young man wanting me, so I turned to try to find him but only found two of my former students (when I taught high school in 1970-1972) who’d been difficult in class but decently respectful. (That part of the dream was fun.)
Then I returned to my quest to find the locker and came across a field of dogs, all of them with a litter of white puppies. Then I traveled through endless booths selling different exotic treats, but my locker was nowhere to be found. Then horror started to set in: I could not find Sheba. She’d been with me when I arrived and a constant presence in the dream, but now she was missing and I panicked—and then woke up.
And when I got us this morning, after ten hours of dreaming and deep sleep fueled by the drug, I felt almost exhausted. But there beside me was my beloved, lying on the bed beside me—snoring slightly and smelling a bit like damp soiled laundry.
I got up and went immediately to the woodshed to get wood for the fire and emerged in warm air and under a bright sky on a day that was predicted to be very windy and wet. It had clearly rained in the night, but we’re in for yet another lovely day today. Hooray!
I’ll be going on the large community dog walk after all. I thought I’d be skipping it this morning because of the predicted dreadful weather. And then I’m going to chill. No yard or housework for me today; it’s a day of rest for Mr. Energizer Bunny. And tonight: Sanditon and Vienna Blood. Woo hoo!

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