I kept busy Tuesday morning cleaning, tidying and walking Her Highness. I also started looking at my ladies to make an inventory of the damage done to them in transit so that I have a detailed list of repairs that need to be done. I’ll have to do it all if the Heroines Party goes ahead. Last I heard, the committee (or some of them) and Michelle are coming here on Friday to consider a way to use them as a fundraiser.
I’ve started searching for artifacts from my Artropolisseries and so far can’t find any. I had them in my last home (the condo); I just don’t know if I threw them out or packed them and have them here somewhere (in my loft or studio somewhere). I toss a lot of stuff. I’ve never been one to value artifacts over my memories and sometimes I regret that.
Shirley and Margot arrived right on time (the 1:30 ferry). They settled in and then we talked and had snacks, after which they napped for a couple of hours whilst providing an excellent break for me (I’d already had two seizures.)
We reassembled at 6:00 for dinner. Shirley brought Salmon and Margot brought vegetables. I had the soup and dessert. It was really fun making and eating
When it comes to selling your artwork, I used to advise my students that half the value is in the piece and the other half of the value comes from either their personal story or the story of their piece. Without a story, a piece is twice as costly—if you understand me.
As someone new to classical music (it’s all I can bear since my breakdown), I first discovered the radio and the curated diversity of programming it delivers. I flip from Radio Canada to CBC Radio and from show to show and what is killing me (in the good sense) are the stories the hosts tell stories about the soloist, composer or conductor to which we’re about to listen. Their introductions make me ravenous for the music as it starts.
I don’t always love the music, though. But if something comes on that I’m not wild about plays, I often still listen (if it isn’t bombastic) or I change stations. I learn a lot about the people of classical music history, plus I’m introduced to Canadian composers and musicians.
I really love listening to My Playliston the CBC to get a sense of the personality of some contemporary Canadian musical stars. And I love Paulo Petropaulo! I love his passion and his knowledge. He, and all the hosts, make the music incredibly interesting.
This morning I will take Sheba on a community dog walk and then I’ll come home and Shirley, Margot and I will consider the weather and plan our day.