Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Shirley and Margot Day

I kept busy Tuesday morning cleaning, tidying and walking Her Highness. I also started looking at my ladies to make an inventory of the damage done to them in transit so that I have a detailed list of repairs that need to be done. I’ll have to do it all if the Heroines Party goes ahead. Last I heard, the committee (or some of them) and Michelle are coming here on Friday to consider a way to use them as a fundraiser.
I’ve started searching for artifacts from my Artropolisseries and so far can’t find any. I had them in my last home (the condo); I just don’t know if I threw them out or packed them and have them here somewhere (in my loft or studio somewhere). I toss a lot of stuff. I’ve never been one to value artifacts over my memories and sometimes I regret that.
Shirley and Margot arrived right on time (the 1:30 ferry). They settled in and then we talked and had snacks, after which they napped for a couple of hours whilst providing an excellent break for me (I’d already had two seizures.)
We reassembled at 6:00 for dinner. Shirley brought Salmon and Margot brought vegetables. I had the soup and dessert. It was really fun making and eating
When it comes to selling your artwork, I used to advise my students that half the value is in the piece and the other half of the value comes from either their personal story or the story of their piece. Without a story, a piece is twice as costly—if you understand me.
As someone new to classical music (it’s all I can bear since my breakdown), I first discovered the radio and the curated diversity of programming it delivers. I flip from Radio Canada to CBC Radio and from show to show and what is killing me (in the good sense) are the stories the hosts tell stories about the soloist, composer or conductor to which we’re about to listen. Their introductions make me ravenous for the music as it starts. 
I don’t always love the music, though. But if something comes on that I’m not wild about plays, I often still listen (if it isn’t bombastic) or I change stations. I learn a lot about the people of classical music history, plus I’m introduced to Canadian composers and musicians. 
I really love listening to My Playliston the CBC to get a sense of the personality of some contemporary Canadian musical stars. And I love Paulo Petropaulo! I love his passion and his knowledge. He, and all the hosts, make the music incredibly interesting.
This morning I will take Sheba on a community dog walk and then I’ll come home and Shirley, Margot and I will consider the weather and plan our day.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Shirley & Margot Arrive

We walked in a Monsoon Monday morning. Then I went to the meeting with the arts council’s finance committee. Oh my, what a meeting!
Michelle did not propose my series. Instead, she took one of my ideas—a Valentines Day fancy dress party—and added a presentation from an expensive expert on chocolate. I was the first to react and I spoke against it because I cannot see a party successfully stopping for a presentation and then becoming a party again. I said I thought she was presenting two separate events, smooshed together.  
I felt the presenter would not get the attention of those there to party and wondered how he’d feel during his presentation while there were people partying in the back. And how would those who wanted to pay attention feel about those who didn’t?  I just didn’t feel what Michelle was presenting would work.
Neither did anyone else.
And we spent so much time talking about it we didn’t even get to the other ideas.
The best part of the meeting was meeting the finance committee members April, Mary, Tawny and Frank. They are all really committed to the arts council and to raising money; they make a great committee (and I’m judgmental).
I wrote to Michelle when I got home. I felt poorly about lacking faith in her idea and I was a little worried she was becoming sick of me and hearing from me. I have a lot of opinions about fundraising. Thankfully, she wrote back a very reassuring email.
My soup is fine and the lemon cake is not a disaster. I’m ready for the arrival of Shirley and Margot this afternoon. They’re here until Thursday.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Finance Committee Meeting

I awoke very early Sunday morning. It was ink black outside as usual but the yard was a miracle of moon shadows.
I went back to sleep looking forward to a nice day but when I awoke again the rain was a tympani symphony on my tin roof.  Jay phoned and invited me for breakfast at Robert’s; it was great to see him after his trip to France.
I roared home for the dog walk and surprise: All during the dog walk the sun was out and I carried my raincoat. But as soon as I got home, buckets of water fell.
I went into the village to shop so I could make my favourite squash and ginger soup. It’s my third huge batch. I’m addicted. Then I made a lemon cake to kill time until Sunday night TV time. 
I mixed all the ingredients, put them into the prepared pans and put my raw cakes into the oven, closed the door of the oven and saw an entire bowl of an essential component of the cake: The lemon syrup. So I had to go through a recovery process. The cakes emerged smelling fabulously of lemon but they did not rise very well. Sigh.
A task for this morning is making lemon butter icing (yum!). 
Then, at 10:00, I go to meet the arts council’s finance committee to listen to Michelle present our plan for three parties as fundraisers. I expect to speak well if asked a question because it’s not personal. If they like the party plan the committee will come here on Friday, to my studio, to see my ladies, hear the letters and talk about the Icons show.