Thursday, July 25, 2019

Fun With Paula

Every day it occurs to me that I am blessed. My yard, with its forest backdrop, makes me feel that way, as do my pets, my cozy cabin home and every drive through the forest and past farmers’ fields. s and my dog walking group. I live in a summer resort.
Paula arrived at 10:30 yesterday. I picked her up and we came home to look at my landscaping because she was one of my first guests here and we planted a few trees together to “christen” gardening at Pinecone Park. That was almost two years ago; she was thrilled and impressed with the changes she saw.
Then we went into the village and got supplies for a lovely long picnic on a cliff looking over the ocean at Drumbeg Park. I’ve taken every guest there to picnic this summer; I love the place and I love  picnicing. We came home for happy hour, a spa and then we made ourselves a barbeque on the deck before settling in to watch The Great British Baking Show.
I’ve been super busy this morning. It’s just 6:00 am as I write, and I’ve already watered all the gardens, cleaned the kitty box, done a load of laundry and hung it out, fed the birds and animals and swept all the floors. I’m ready to play all day with Paula, once she gets up. before leaves on a 4:00 pm flight home.
It’s wonderful to be finished with the landscaping. It’s blissful to be able to do whatever I want again—or nothing at all.  
Paula’s up and we’re having a light rain shower as sunshine slices through the forest. We’re off for a dog walk and then…?

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