Saturday, December 11, 2021


Yesterday began with a bit of panic at Pinecone Park! I thought I’d let Sheba out, so I went outside to get her. I walked ‘round to the front yard but she was not there, and I couldn’t call her. I was shitting myself with worry and was returning to the back porch when I heard a familiar sound: dog paws scraping on glass. She was inside the whole time. It’s another layer of Hell not being able to call her.

This will pass. This will pass. This will pass….

Last night, serious rain. It came down in torrents. I had a good fire and going to bed, hearing the rain on the roof, was pure joy. But … I went to bed last night at 9:00, feeling tired, yet I could not go to sleep. The last time I checked the clock, it was 2:00 am and I was still awake—contented, but unable to sleep. Sometime after that, sleep did come.

I felt cozy in my bed with Sheba beside me.

This morning, I am meeting Di at a neighbour’s where we will survey their wares at a Christmas sale. Two artists are opening their shared studio. I’m only going because Di is going and, afterward, we are going to walk out dogs together.

It’s sunny today. It feels good to see sunshine. If it keeps up, Her Highness and I may go to Drumbeg for our afternoon walk to be beside the sea.

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