Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Itchy Fingers

  1. Warren is back from Italy and fully jet-lagged, he opens Legally Blonde tonight. He affects me like a boyfriend because I get so excited and it is partly due to the work we do, but mostly due to access to a thoroughly engaging personality.

    He turned up here on May 22nd with an idea in his head. Almost a month to the day later, Uncle Gus' Monkey existed. And not only existed, but existed in proper screenwriting software. It was intense. And then he was gone and in Italy for three weeks so it almost seemed, in my mind, to have been an unreal experience. But now he is back and it is real again.

    Yesterday, (movie industry) friend Dianne sent me an email with some suggestions for our next step with (screenplay) Uncle Gus' Monkey and so I forwarded it to Warren. Amongst her suggestions of people and agencies was one: Out TV, the gay channel, and so now I am actually getting excited that this script may actually ….. Dianne knows the owner of Out TV and Warren's first and best friend since moving here from South Africa is Out TV's CEO and he, too, knows the owner so we have our target.

    It seems certain that my our script is going to get read.
  2. Tomorrow morning I have an appointment with (artistic director) Kim at Presentation House and I expect to come away with some concrete understanding of how (play) HoMe is going to go forward. I expect to be able to write on this blog tomorrow:
    • When it will run and for how long. That information will also tell me when the scriptwriting has to end because one month ahead of rehearsals, it has to freeze so that I can memorize my lines.
    • A conceptual idea about casting the other two roles (should everyone involved be from the North Shore—an idea not unwelcome to me)
    • The development process—when workshops will be and how many. That identify re-write time and deadlines.
    • Union/payment issues. This issue is why I now wish I were producing because as a producer I would make good money. As the author/performer I will make diddly and Diddly is not an attractive man.
    • I will also find out if Kim has read the last draft I sent to him and his reaction.

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