Friday morning began, as it always does, with a dog walk with my ladies. Yesterday, I had a treat in store for them. I took them on a new trail that took us under many enormous and brethakingly beautiful Maples. They loved the sights and my status as leader is secure. A quick trip to the village after our walk preceded my return to working in the yard. I love planting new foliage. My backyard, landscaped with no plan; it’s looking mighty pleasing now that I’ve planted my two new bushes.
Then I got back to work on the roof. It was a scary on the ladder because it was fully extended and felt unstable. Also, I had to use it on a too-steep incline so as not to ruin my Fern garden. By 1:30, I was totally exhausted. It felt like if I did more, I would break. I could barely lift the heavy broom; fully extended, it’s eight meters long, and the longer I make it to get the top of the roof, the heavier it feels. Eight meters!
I took a break at 1:30 and ordered myself a GPS device for my car. If I want to get out and about this Summer on the big island, I want a navigator.
Then I was back at it, and I finished the entire backyard side of the roof. Hoorah! Then I had to clean up all the shit on the ground, move the ladder and all my tools to the front yard for the work I’ll do today, and then I mowed the front lawn.
I’ve now finished the one side of the house roof, both sides of the studio roof and one side of the shed roof. By the time I’d finished the lawn, I felt I’d earned my evening on the couch! No more Mr. Sissypants here.
Kevin and Shelly are coming to eat here tonight—and, perhaps, to play bocce.
My last guests were Jess and Todd in late September of last year. That was eight months ago, yet I’ve kept the place clean and tidy, and I’ve even rearranged the place—I’d go so far to say I’ve had an ah=ha moment of insight into what atmosphere I want in my home. In the past, I have always aimed to present my space at its ‘best.’ Clean, tidy and ordered. Now I have clean, tidy and comfortable.
As I’ve done my cleaning and rearranging, I started asking myself: Why are you cleaning? For whom? When I realized Covid meant no guests, I re-designed for me, and guests can adapt to my comfort configuration. I’m here full time and they’ll like the new layout, I know. And it’s the same with gardening. For whom, am I weeding all the gardens and cutting the lawns?
I love seeing my place looking good. They are always complimentary about my landscaping. I reckon they’ll notice my recent additions—they’re showy. It’s nice they encourage me, but my reaction to their compliments is nothing compared to the feeling I get when I go onto my back deck alone and ponder my good fortune. I think it’s beautiful. How can gardens amidst lawn not be gorgeous?
I worked in the arts for nada. I pursued opportunities driven by the heart, not my wallet. I never had a lot of money, but I was content because I had enough. Near the end of my working life, I caught some financial good breaks, but I grew up considering myself a very modest player of capitalism. It positively gobsmacks me that I have three buildings set in a small park. I cannot believe I live in such splendor.
Today is gorgeous. There’s not a cloud in the sky. I will start the street side of the house roof today and do a little tidying of the courtyard and deck in advance of Kevin and Shelly’s arrival for dinner.
It’s been too cool to be outside at night and be comfortable. I hope we can be outside tonight, but if it’s too cool we’ll move inside.
Great news! I can register next week for my second Covid shot.