Friday, May 26, 2023

A Simple and Spectacular Day

I got a call early Thursday morning from the Health Authority inviting me to have my bone density test on Tuesday next (instead of waiting until mid-August). I accepted even though it meant going to Nanaimo on both Monday and Tuesday. Monday was my scheduled Covid booster at Shoppers Drug Mart in Nanaimo.

On a whim, I called the Vaccination Office to see if I could change my vaccination appointment to the same day as the bone density test, but instead, they offered me my Covid booster here, on Gabe, today. How wonderful is that? 

I took Sheba for a morning walk in glorious sunshine and delightful temperatures, and then got to work on cutting the grass and weeds on all the lawns, planting some Lupins (I love Lupins) and tidying up the garden near my front door. It was a lovely day to be outside and to not have a heavy task to do.

After lunch, I decided to chill and read a little in the garden. I couldn’t do it. I lasted 5 minutes and then I was up and at the garden, cleaning up a part where I had not yet refreshed it. I like being active and find it hard to relax on so fine a day for working. I didn’t push myself too much for tomorrow I do some splitting with my maul and more stacking.

There is still naught but sunshine in the forecast. It has been relentlessly sunny and fabulous since April 26th! It’s been amazing, but I worry about what’s ahead later in the Summer. I fear for more heat. 

By mid-afternoon, I had planted all the plants needing planting, trimmed the courtyard and swept it clean, and thoroughly cleaned the former fire pit. The former pit is now a lovely smooth and very clean brick patio where I have my picnic table, patio chairs and the barbeque set up for my Summer entertaining. 

I have 13 gardens scattered around Pinecone Park. I think of them as distinct gardens; I have named each one so that I can make a list of things to do and be specific about which garden each task is in. I have now refreshed every single one of them except one that I will do today.

As I was winding down for the day, cleaning up around the yard, Peter came over from his place to talk to me about my deck. What a guy he is!! He’s advised me to talk to our neighbour Nancy about the applicability of a torch for stripping the deck, and if she confirms that the torches will work to help strip the deck, I’ll borrow her two torches and Peter has offered to help me do the work.

My deck is the only ugly thing in the yard. A previous owner painted it but the wood is treated, so the paint adhered very, very poorly and is slowly peeling off. It really is ugly, and now that the yard looks so great, it looks even uglier. I can’t believe how generous Pete is to offer to help me to a rather nasty job. But I love his idea of how to do it because sanding makes dust and with my asthma, I cannot imagine sanding the deck. 

Late in the afternoon, I headed over to Steve and Dan’s place for dinner with Dan’s sister, Barb, and our friend, Sue. Sue, Barb and I went through high school together. It was a really fun night, we laughed and talked the night away and after dinner we went for a walk along the beach below Dan’s house. It was a spectacular Summer evening. There’ll be more of the same tonight in my backyard. 

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