Saturday, August 10, 2013

Reifel Wildfowl Reserve

I had reserved a car for David and I to use for Friday without knowing for certain what we would do. When he arrived (at 7:30 am!) we went for breakfast and I proposed that we visit the Reifel sanctuary but he said that he was not keen on birds. I persisted. I couldn't think of another natural site to visit, I told him, and besides there would be few birds anyway (it being high summer). Instead, I suggested he think of the trip as a chance to see local wetlands and to enjoy the adventure in our convertible. He agreed so off we went and we had a fabulous, fabulous time.

The reserve is on Westham Island in the delta of the Fraser River. It is operated by the Federal Government and was a gift of George Reigfel, the son of the farmer who settled on the land and made his fortune from logging Haida Gwaii.

Home near the reserve.

Fishing dock, lower Fraser River.

 A home on Westham Island.

The wetlands that border the reserve and expand between it and the sea.

The mating and resident Sandhill Cranes.

A form of Himalayan Blackberry I have not noticed before. It has spikey leaves and it tastes much less sweet than the other variety that grows everywhere here.

Her chest was like a wood burl. She is gorgeous.

A typical walk on a berm.

A juvenile Sandhill Crane. They were very, very friendly to us as there were almost no visitors to the reserve that day.

Four visiting juvenile Sandhill Cranes followed me first (above) and then David (below).

Tribute to Vincent!

Yellow Lobelia!

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