Thursday, January 29, 2015

J'aime apprendre

Oh my God. I am so lucky. Years ago, I hired Christine to work for me and we got along from the get go. That was 25 years ago. She went on to a career in theatre—we discovered we had that passion in common—making wigs and hats.

Well, today I went to visit her to learn how to make a base for the wigs I want to build. Well, she had everything ready to give me a fast course and she gifted me with all the supplies I need to build my wigs. I was humbled. I am taking her to Hawksworth.

Here’s what I will be doing: The actors will have to come here (or make time available at the workshop) so that I can wrap their head in cellophane. Then I use scotch tape to crimp it into the exact shape of their heads. Then I draw their hairline on the cellophane wrap.

I put the cellophane onto a head Christine lent me, and then I force a close-fitting felt hat onto the head and I clip it to the hairline. Then I paint the felt with a mixture of shellac and methyl hydrate and voila, my base for the wig. The rest is the easy part for me that I have been practicing on (see images).

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