Tuesday, December 5, 2017

A Great Day!

The sunrise on my way to Vancouver.
The mouth of the Mighty Fraser where we land.
Co-pilot (not) Chris. But I'm in her seat.

What a wonderful monster of a day I had today.
I was up early to light the fire. It cleared in the night and so the house was cold. I fed the pets, loaded up wood by the fireplace and fled at 7:30 sharp to catch the plane to Vancouver. Chalise came to sit the pets.
I got the front seat going over and had the best view of a stunning sunrise. I cabbed to the Canada Line and was able to get to Joe’s to meet Bruce for breakfast by 9:10 am. I had a couple of errands to do after that but the day was so sunny, doing them was a pleasure.
When Dr. Shoja came out to get me I was in full seizure in the lobby. I had three; one after another after another, all in a row. Dr. S. was wonderful. She said: “Of course you are worse. You’ve put yourself through an incredible change.” She also said that she’s absolutely certain I will settle down over the next few months and feel better than ever.
She’s incredibly and sincerely supportive of my move. And — bless her — I start in going every second Tuesday at 1:00 pm in January indefinitely. I am thrilled with this arrangement, the convenience of the local seaplane and the woman who sits the pets. I am set.
It was euphoric to come home to my girls and Freddie — and I was alone in the plane, again, and in the front seat.
Then I went to see Darrell’s progress in the studio. He’s really done a lot and, honestly, it was a little startling to see so much Pine. But then people don’t really look up that much and when I get things on the walls and furnish the place it won’t look so much like the interior of a cheap coffin.
Besides… when my dresses are in who’ll notice the walls?
I’ve only one more trip to Vancouver this year. Otherwise I’m home and I can blissfully putter around. I’m looking forward to installing an Arbutus tree for the cats (coming from Jay), doing more outdoor planting and tweaking things around the house. I want to acclimatize to my life so the seizures stop. I know they will.
Now: Three days of watching Darrell’s progress in the studio.

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