Monday, June 14, 2021

Jacob Collier

Above: He’s Jacob Collier. He’s 26 and he’s already won a Grammy for musical arranging, and this video is testament to his musical skills. It's joyous, don't you think? Look how many people he can assemble, see how many instruments he plays, and marvel at the interpretation of a pop tune gone jazzy. I find this video infectiously exhilarating. I think young Jacob is a bit of a marvel.

It was dark and wet when we went for our morning walk. This is not the kind of weather I waited for though Fall and Winter, but the fresh scents of the forest were incense to my nose. We didn’t go on a terribly long walk before I went to the village for groceries. (When I got there, I realized I had forgotten my list. But you know what? I remembered absolutely everything. I checked the list when I got home. The brain still works, I thought to myself.)

When I came home, I lit a fire to make home cozy for us all, and then I settled onto my chaise longue beside the window to read. Read and rest; that’s all I did all day—a day that included several torrential downpours. Springtime! I went to bed early.

I’m almost through a most unusual book. It’s called All That Man Is, and it’s by David Szalav. It’s presented as a novel, but it could be considered a collection of short stories, each one about one or more men. There’s really no plot for the novel, as each narrative concerns new characters. In the end, what engages me is the author’s incredibly unique writing style. 

The book has captivated me. I dive into it eagerly every day. I may finish it today and I’ll be sad when it’s over. It’s writing at its best; the book was a finalist for the Booker Prize.

Today, Junuary continues. I’ve today and tomorrow to endure before Summer returns on Wednesday when I can return to outdoor garden and yard duties. I’ll read and chill today.

A neighbour and friend, Shelly (Kevin’s wife) is organizing a garage sale for our entire (short) street. It’s a great chance for me to get rid of some stuff and to meet more neighbours. I’ll be poking around my attic and studio for crap to unload at some point today. Today is going to be much better than yesterday. The sky is bright and there's lots of blue sky.

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