Friday, June 19, 2015

Screenplay Almost Sold

Well this is exciting: We are down to the final points of the contract with Shavick Entertainment. We are very close to a signing the document.

Warren and I have been offered credit as "Executive Producer," but I have expressed no interest in that title/credit if I am a/the writer of the screenplay and if Knock Knock is credited as the source material and I am listed as its author.

It seems likely now, that Warren and I will sign an option agreement very soon. The plan was we would celebrate together at Hawksworth. My fingers are crossed that we do that.

Now the bad news: My walking is really compromised again. I am going to the podiatrist's today in hopes that new orthotics will solve the problem. In the graphic above, the symptoms described are exactly what I am experiencing.

I got the diagnosis of Morton's two years ago. Now it is far, far worse and I suspect it is due to the walking I do. I am fearful that the podiatrist is going to tell me to cut down on my walking and, honestly, that makes me cry like a baby.
And the worse news: I hate this news. I am losing 5% of my lung capacity per year. I am having another CT scan in October. I have been proactive, however: I have requested that I not be informed of this kind of information. Now that they know the rate of decline, they can predict my medical future. I do not want to hear it. Would you? Denial is my coping mechanism of choice.

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