Sunday, September 2, 2018

Reunited and it Feel So Good!

I converted my studio into a dorm for three after going to the market for fresh vegetables and a pie to share with Todd and Jess and family. And I doted over the new lawn that’s now criss-crossed with deer tracks, keeping it damp in the hot sun.
The market was huge and thriving. Gabriola is flooded with strangers this holiday weekend—the end of summer holiday for everyone with kids and summer cabins.
Fall is in the air and in my mind. It’s quite cool in the mornings now. And next week an extended cloudy/rainy period is predicted. The time for sweaters and evening fires is fast approaching and big changes in play patterns with Her Highness.
Todd and Jess arrived at about 3:15 and we immediately fell into our comfortable familiarity. We talked, we ate, we drank, we hot tubbed and then came dinner. It was so, so much fun to be together. They all liked my place and my pets and that bodes well for more visits.
With two disabled members of the family, Todd and Jess really like just hanging out somewhere comfortable and stimulating and Pinecone Park fits the bill perfectly.
They had planned to leave today but I think I’ve convinced them to stay until tomorrow. Today is going to be a lovely one so we can decamp to Drumbeg together during part of the day.
Rachel Notley cancelled her province’s participation in the federal climate change agreement in a snit over the annulment of the pipeline agreement. Fighting the pipeline cancellation—fair game. But fighting it like a petulant child, punishing the environment and the planet over the loss of a benefit to a single province? That’s just creepy and short-sighted. The entire northern half of her province is an oil spill and always has been. I don’t want one drop of her bitumen in our ocean, on “my” coastline. No way!
Boris Brott chose the music on CBC’s My Playlist yesterday and included in his program was Mahler’s Fifth Symphony.  I was weeping as I was driving through glorious sunshine and island pastureland. Then he played Rich Little’s many voices accompanying the Hamilton Symphony’s version of Peter and the Wolf.  It was just delicious.

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