Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Stunning Drumbeg

Work has resumed in the lot next door. I’m going to have noise all day beside me for the next year, in all likelihood. The heavy equipment ignited at 7:50 am this morning. Every night, the incoming owners drive by and look at what’s been done.
Her Highness and I went for a good walk beneath light cloud and then, mid-morning, the sun broke through and the rest of the day was euphorically beautiful. I went to a dental appointment and then we went to Drumbeg.
It truly is an experience like I wished I’d had in Church—going to Drumbeg. I sat through 75 minutes of Latin throughout my childhood and was bored. But wandering in Drumbeg is richly emotional and incredibly thought provoking.
I walk back and forth along the water along paths that now look like the bare skin of a young man sprouting fresh vibrant young shoots, rich with colour—these ones, green. Sheba white fluffy coat glows in the sunlight; the meadows are an orchestra of crickets, the wind is like the strings.
The stunning beauty of the park makes me think about how spectacular the world is and how lucky I am to be alive—and able to appreciate it. It makes me feel blessed to live here and I forget any problems I had before arriving.
I’ve been worrying about how I’ll get through winter but the park makes me check my attitude. It says to me: “I am here. I will always be here. I am beautiful every day. Come here to forget your troubles. Dress warm and dry in winter. Pass meaningful time with me.”
Yesterday was my first day without anything from three essential food groups: Cakes, pies and cookies. I am going to try to shed some tonnage but I cannot live without sweets, so I’m having a small square of chocolate for my lunch and dinner desserts. And I kept moving all day. It was easier than I thought the first day might be.
Horrors! What is even politically weirder than Donald Trump?
I’ll tell you: Me admiring Doug Ford. 
I was truly stunned seeing his videotaped interview about the damage he saw in the Tornado zone near Ottawa. He spoke genuinely, sincerely (never mentioning ‘thoughts and prayers’) and passionately. He spoke admirably from the heart and I realized, as he spoke, how phony and careful and strategic the politicians I admire so often sound after a tragedy.
He’s a total dick about the Toronto city council size, the Ontario sex education curriculum and probably other things, but he scored with me as a human being when I watched him on the national news committing to helping the storm victims.
I finished watching Bodyguard. What a terrific and engrossing story. I was riveted to every second of the final episode. It’s clearly poised for a second season but I cannot imagine the writers being able to maintain the complexity, suspense and intrigue of season one again.

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