Monday, May 16, 2022


Sunday, or as I like to call it, My day, is always a great day. It’s ‘no shoulds’ day; ‘no guilt’ day. A day for me to do as I please and only as I please. But yesterday, of course, I had the clinic orientation meeting at 1:00. It was held in the Silva Bay Inn.

I was the first person asked to introduce myself, but I did it. I did it! And without using my voice generator. Then, as each of the rest of the people in the room introduced themselves, my jaw was constantly on the floor. I felt lucky and proud to be a part of a truly impressive team. I am so up for this work now, and for the long haul. I was very impressed by our chair, Dyan, and every member present (except one; there’s always one, isn’t there). I’m really excited about all that’s to come. I’m so, so proud to be part of a working brain. This is a mighty fine brain that I’m part of!

Another board member, one who was part of the team who interviewed me as an applicant, passed by when we were on a break. I thanked her for accepting me and she said I was a ‘shoe in,’ with sincere warmth. I was touched. I felt so, so welcome in that forum yesterday.

I am on the ‘Communications, Community Relations, Fundraising’ committee. Next for me is meeting as that committee. A fellow named Don is also on our committee, and our chair is the same woman, Dyan, who chaired the indoctrination meeting. Plus, there’s a woman on our committee who wasn’t at the meeting. She’s the executive director of the arts council. I’m really, seriously, looking forward to working with the foundation and my committee.

I’m writing thoughts/questions that occur to me as I think about the foundation and communications. I’d prefer that we communicate with donors in the first person, if possible. I want a first person voice for the foundation if we start to communicate to islanders. Given what I’ve heard so far, the foundation needs to focus on nomenclature before we start communicating. So, that’s what I’m writing about, and saving, until a newsletter comes up as a subject for discussion. I’ll be able to whip out a thoughtful paragraph or two on the subject.

So, I’m feeling good. And then, this morning, we’ve been blessed with a bright sunny and warm day. Spring is finally here. Warm temperatures are ahead. This morning’s dog walk with my friends was glorious. We were all so happy to be warm.

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