Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Another Day with Grayson

Monday, we bailed on our friends and walked a short walk in the rain on our won. Sheba is not a fan of being wet. After our walk, we went into the village to shop, and I grabbed a large load of cardboard boxes and took them to Regina. I’m awfully fond of Regina, and she is going through rough times, so I wanted to help her. She’d emailed us all asking for boxes.

Her husband of almost fifty years has the hots for a married woman with whom he plays pickleball, so their marriage has fallen apart. She is moving to a new home at the end of April, hence the need for boxes. I really feel for her. A marriage that has lasted so long as theirs has, shouldn’t end. Regina should not be abandoned for her senior years. The good news, however, is that her new home is next door to one of her best friends.

Grayson continues to thrill me with his personality, work ethic and because of how much work is getting done around Pinecone Park that I have wanted done since I moved in. The previous owner left scores and scores of tins of paint and thinner. Some of the old paint containers are five-gallon buckets. They will all soon be gone.

The rain stopped in the afternoon and the sky got brighter, so we were able to do our regular afternoon walk. I’m still delighted to see Sheba walking without a limp or a sock, and it also pleases me to not have to check on her all the time to ensure that she is not biting her foot/feet. And today is her last day on 25 mgs. Tomorrow, she starts on 15 mgs/day.

And today, Grayson returns. There is an awful lot of wood piling up. He’ll likely fill both big woodsheds, and we may have to stack some in the studio. I’m going to be swimming in wood. The three cords I bought from Bob Rooks, are coming next month. Grayson will come back to stack it in the shed where I keep all my tools. But I’m likely set now for two years of fires.

The endless damp is depressing. I am so keen for good weather and warmer temperatures. I’m dying to be outside more and to take long walks with Her Highness who now has healthy feet. It’s been foggy for three days. The air is milky blue. I’m going to put birdseed and suet out today and get back to watching all my avian friends go crazy. I haven’t been feeding them because of the constant presence of a Peregrine Falcon. But I think it has moved on.

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