Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Great Lorangini

Who reads this I wonder. Anyone? Anyone any more? I know of a couple of close friends who read this blog and so I have decided (so far) to keep aspects of this costume secret so that there remains some surprise for you when you come to my show—assuming you will.  But I will show you bits because this blog is really for me. When I teach artists at ECU, I teach them to to record key decisions and aspects of their process on a blog so as to have the archive.

The character for whom this costume is being made is a magician: A slight-f-hand artist called The Great Lorangini. And you can see the string of sequins I bought. That enables the process to go extra slowly and more difficultly and that seems to be the way I like to do things.

With cooking I like complicated time-consuming recipes and I sew by hand expressly so that the process takes a long time. I have oodles of it. And to make this piece of the costume slowly, bit by bit by hand is very satisfying with diet coke, a joint, a good movie on TV, sunshine streaming in the windows and pastries—one or all of these factors at hand.

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