Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunday Morning

Today there is more rain. Can you hear our plants, trees, birds and fish singing where you live? And I have awakened feeling that cliché of opposition: If I move, they win.

I'm up, I'm down. Today I think: Fuck these developers, let them build. I am staying. There is metal pigment in our windows, so during the days no one can see inside my place and at nights, when they can, I can close my (fabulous and expensive) blackout blinds.

I feel this because I have looked at a zillion places online and three on foot, and at the end of the day nothing comes close to the joy I feel when I look at my current place into which I have poured my heart and soul.

I am going to look at a place right at the entrance to Granville Island today at noon. Ho hum. And I am going to look at another place in Hycroft. Oh my God, what  building Hycroft is! It is stunning. And it is nicely situated and has an unbelievable rooftop deck. But it is also expensive. I am going to look at it anyway and see what happens.

That is my strategy. Look at places and see what happens. If I keep coming home to the feeling that this place is better, then maybe I won't move after all.

This is a trying, but valuable experience. At some future point I will move or not and if I don't, I will likely stay here happily forever. An open-minded sincere reconsideration of one's current practices is a good thing.

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