Saturday, November 28, 2015

GIFFing Your Favourite Photos

I learned something fun and new this morning.

I was awake at 3:00 am!! I didn't get up until 3:45. Still, this is the old me. I can't sleep when I am excited and I am very excited about all the cooking I will be doing today and tomorrow—and the dinner party I am having tomorrow night.

Up early, I wanted to play so I went into iPhoto and flagged my two recent series of snapshots—feet on the ground and little Fall things in my fingers and a bunch of shots of flowers I have taken. When I went to see all my flagged images, I did something I have never done before and that was to go to "Share" and chose "Set to Desktop" and now I have a slideshow of a few of my favourite images on my desktop. I love it. All the images are so big and bright.

Then I took the two series and combined them into a poster that I am going to print for fun.

Click to enlarge.
And then I went to this site on the web that very easily allows you to turn your favourite photos into a GIFF. It's super easy. And here are the gifts I made: