Saturday, May 27, 2017

Serious Progress!

Friday was awesome.
First of all, the weather is absolutely stunning, day after day!
Second, my friend Beth’s feedback about my script inspired me to do another rewrite and I could not be happier. Keeping Beth’s points in mind, I’ve been going through it carefully and slowly. Colin is going to get a much smoother and less-repetitive script.
But the greatest thing about today was the amount of work I got done on the defiant dress. I started at 5:30 am and I worked right through the day and evening until 10:30 pm, eating on my feet and never leaving the house except to go to Eddie’s to get a mannequin (it took only twenty minutes). 
Next: The breastplate and back pieces. It’s not going to take two more months if I continue to obsess.
I went to bed absolutely exhausted, right after a reward: A big bowl of ice cream.
This morning, I am still pooped so it’s desk work and rest today.
I have actually started on the next dress: The fortune cookie dress. I’m finding Chinese sayings in English and then learning how to write them in simplified Chinese characters. I figure I need maybe fifty and some can repeat. I plan to have a fortune in each cookie that the audience can pull, read and then leave behind (for returning to the cookies).
Today I might go for a walk to buy the paper I need to make the fortune cookies. Just for something to do. I need a break from the defiant dress before I start the upper portions.

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