Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Steve Arrival Day

I’m totally excited. Steve and Tim arrive today and tonight we drink, dine and watch the fireworks together tonight. His visit has inspired a day of discarding, storing away of things, tidying and cleaning.
I’m also still reeling from the knowledge I will have Dr. Shoja by my side for another year. She attributed her invitation to continue weekly to a change in her plans: “I’ve decided not to take on some projects I was considering.”
I believe her but I also think my having a seizure in front of her yesterday may have contributed to her offer. I am still riddled with symptoms. Regardless, I feel like I won the lottery. She is my guardian angel.
I sent a photo of my finished defiant dress to Rachel at the Arts Club. I thought it important that she see the title dress of the show. (Plus I admitted that I wanted to maximize my chances of having my script selected for their new play festival.) I’m kind of hoping she’ll reply and tell me when they’ll be making their decision.
I will miss this living with hope when I find out but I’ll either have pride in being selected or an excuse to overindulge in sugar.
And praise Jesus: I see Coca-Cola drivers at work. Maybe the strike is over; could be management.

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