Thursday, May 23, 2024

Slow Days

Wednesday began with a walk with our friends. It was a coolish but bright morning for our walk, and everything was soaking wet from the big rainfall. When we were done, Her Highness and I went into the village to pick up a prescription, and then I came home to read while things outside dried out. 

It was a glorious day. I napped in the sun, read and puttered the day away. Sheba and I went over to Dave’s to see his progress on his home and to have a short visit. I’ve offered to help Dave with the insulation, and I proposed that we get other neighbours, Kevin and Pete, involved.

Today will be much like yesterday. It’s a beauty of a day, but we’re still in the cooler temperatures of Spring. I like this coolish weather because I love napping and reading in the sunshine, and I can’t do that when it is warm. I get too hot. And it’s windy again. We’ve had a lot of wind lately, and many islanders have had power outages, but not me. I just get a bazillion bud caps, almost as many twigs and cones.

I’m desperate to get a photo of a Western Tanager. They are back and they are beautiful. I hope to share one soon. 

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