Saturday, July 6, 2024

Deer Fencing Done

Dwight’s visit was perfect. I loved every second of it and my speech was often fluent. It was exceptional to enjoy fluency with him and to be with him in person, as opposed to on Zoom. In the morning, yesterday, I showed him how to access my computer and to change my fingerprint for his, plus I showed him where my legal documents are. Then we went for breakfast, and he rode off to the ferry whereas I went to the pharmacy, the nursery, the deli and then came home to take on a fencing task.

It was 30° as I started work improvising a system to protect my Virginia Creeper from the Deer while, at the same time, not impeding its growth up the northwest wall of the house. On my first break for rest and a cold drink, I fetched the stand fan from the studio, and it is now fanning me as I write at my desk. Then it was back to work before doing some watering in critical areas before calling it a day and heading to my chaise for the evening.

I have 10 days, all of them predicted to be sunny and dry, to do work around the house. I am doing no reading at all. There are too many demands for me in the yard and gardens—weeding, pruning, staking and repairing things like the Virginia Creeper fence. I hope to get a lot done, and done slowly, during these days I have to myself, so that then, when Dianne comes, I can really enjoy my time with her as I did with Dwight, just chilling and doing Summer things together in the parks and trails.

How I love the fan!

I finally finished my yard work at 4:30. It’s been going flat out since 10:30, and I got a lot done. I’m pleased with my Creeper fencing, and I watered the entire backyard before quitting. But man-oh-man, it was hot. It was 32° when I stopped working. I earned my evening on the chaise!            

There’s a ton of work to do. I’m going to see how it goes, doing it myself. If that fails, I’ll call in Bronwyn. However, mt primary job for the foreseeable future is watering. We are entering a heatwave situation, and so I’ll be on duty morning and evening, and mid-day, I’ll be working on the gardens if all goes to plan. I’m going to do things that are in the shade.

The benefit of this kind of weather is sleeping in the wind. I open three doors that are screened and cat secure, and many of the screened windows. My logs keep the house cool and feeling the breeze on my face when I go to bed, and again when I wake, is heavenly.

Today is going to be hot again. I will be doing yard work all day. I’ll be watering the plants, fertilizing them, pulling some weeds, and pruning shrubs that are expanding a little too much. But of course, the day will begin with a dog walk with Stacy. We’re departing at 7:30 so as to avoid the heat.

Beautiful tiny blue flowers are covering one lawn
and lining my new garden bed. (Click on the photo
to enlarge it.)

The Ocean Spray is in full bloom and very, very fragrant. 

The new Virginia Creeper is beginning its job
of covering one wall of the house. This batch
is in the backyard and needed no fencing.

This is the new fence I built to protect the other Virginia Creeper
plants from being eaten. Every bit of them all was eaten last year
by Deer, so I needed something sturdy to protect them. 

More of the little blue plants around the yard. The big blue 
blossoms are perennial Geranium. 

Another Ocean Spray plant adds fragrance and
height to the garden bed under the trees.

These spectacularly beautiful Crimson Campion are wildflowers
that are growing all over Pinecone Park.

More Ocean Spray.

The Hydrangeas, Lavender and fruit trees are slowly growing
and making this part of the yard look better each year.

The new bed with the Ocean Spray behind.

The little blue gorgeous flowers are everywhere.

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