Thursday, February 20, 2025

Sheba Down

Seriously? The Orange Turd calls Zelensky a dictator and praises Putin? What a shit show the MAGA imbeciles have elected, and this is just the first month. What happened to integrity, to ethics and decency?

To him I’m just another item to move from intake, through process, to discharge. He’s in no hurry, but then he can breathe, climb stairs, carry things, and there are so many items in process. He’s had my results since Friday, and still no word from him. So, I wait, and with each passing day I get more anxious for the next step towards resolution.

Unable to stand waiting any longer, I used the Telus Referral System to call his office to see if there will be any follow-up and secured an appointment with Dr. Chen on March 3rd in the morning. More waiting, but another step forward.

Sheba is on a tear. She now had three feet in very poor shape. She remains, however, a total treat to care for. She is cooperative and once I put socks on her feet, she leaves them alone. We have a while to go with healing, and soon we should hear the results of the biopsy.

In her condition, she is not keen to be outside or to walk and so I am getting a reprieve from walking and having shortness of breath. And I don’t mind that at all!

Today will be a day of chores. I’ve shopping to do, laundry to do as well, and I need to do a very thorough vacuum of the house. Were the domestic chores not required, I’d be outside today doing light work because it is already 11° out there and it’s still early morning. It is positively heavenly to be so warm outside. I barely need a fire today.

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