Thursday, March 12, 2015

Almost Workshopping

This guy, whose drinking record for the first 45 years of my life was four beer, just bought his second case of champagne since November. But, instead of importing small bottles from France, I have bought a case of large bottles from the Blue Mountain winery here in BC. I am double thrilled because it is delicious and local.

And yesterday I made yet another reservation at Hawksworth; this visit with Dianne will be my fourth since discovering the joy of going there.

And on Monday, I see the lawyer about distribution of Rita’s assets. If that meeting results in the money I am to inherit being released, I will have likely the party.

The incredibly wonderful mild weather is back and there is sun shining this morning, so doing my errands will be fabulous. One of my errands is to pick up the four copies of my script for the workshop scheduled for next week. Woo hoo.

We seem very close to having our guy for Trudeau—someone I knew once long ago and like very much. He is an actor who is amazing when inspired; I really hope he works out because I think we would have fun together.

It is so much fun, pre-production: The meetings, rehearsals, fittings, the move in, technical rehearsals and then things change. This is still very new for me so the preview audience and then opening and then the potential of playing to small houses is very scary. But….

I learned a lot doing my last show like this. I need to seed “bits” that have no connection with the material that precedes them, in the preceding material so I know where I am going. Even if I know my lines, transitions that are not properly “seeded” are impossible for me to master. But knowing that, when we do the reading, I will be on the lookout for where I have to plant seeds.

I knew this going in, though, so the script is already seeded as well as I can do without a workshop. And in Trudeau, there are two long scenes that I am not in whereas in Knock Knock, I was never off stage. In KK, I was onstage even in the songs.

I start rehearsals in two months. Time is flying.

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