Saturday, October 5, 2024

A Weak Day

It was dark and soaking wet when I awakened yesterday. It was pouring rain, and it was 6:30 am. By 9:00, when it was time to leave to meet our friends to walk with our doggers, the sky was clearing up. There were massive patches of blue sky, and so uplifted by the change in the weather, everyone had a wonderful walk. But not me.

I found it challenging to do the walk, yesterday. Not the hill. The hill is at the beginning, and I went up very slowly, and I started up several minutes before the rest had assembled and started up the trail. It was after about ten minutes of walking. For the rest of our 50-minute walk, I was struggling to keep up.

After our walk, I headed into the village for supplies, and then we came home. We got home at 11:00 and I fed the brood, and then I went to bed and slept almost until 2:00 when it was time to Zoom with Dianne. We found many things to talk about, but my primary concern was planning for the Thanksgiving meal.

Late in the afternoon, I went over to visit Dave, and he has almost the entire living/dining/kitchen area floor down. Ursula’s been helping on her days off from the daycare, and they are progressing at an amazing pace. Dave had hoped to be in by Thanksgiving, but he’s not going to make it. But soon, they’ll be living in their new home.

Today’s plan is to draft a strategy to grow our UK support group, but I’ll also do some yard work because today is likely to be bright and sunny.

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