Thursday, October 17, 2024

Di Leaves, Rain Arrives

Virginia Creeper.

The Monk's Hood in my garden.

Wednesday was great in the morning. Our morning walk with our friends was wonderful. We walked in bright sunshine under a cloudless sky, and I did quite well on the hill. When I got home, Di was up and getting her breakfast ready. I made us a nice lunch which we ate together, and then it was time for her to leave to catch the ferry.

I was sad to see her go. As soon as I got back into the house, I had a nap and within seconds of lying down, all three animals were on the bed with me. I had a good restorative nap, and then I did some tidying around the house before Her Highness and I went for our afternoon walk.

When we got home, we came into the house and BAM! Down came heavy rain, pounding on my metal roof. It’s a sound I like. It makes me want to be cozy by a fire, so I lit a small one, and we all settled in for our evening, adjusting back to being alone again.

It was a delightful Thanksgiving. I was with two women I love and have loved for a long time, and we had lots of food. Cooking the turkey was a walk in the park because it was only ten pounds. I was glad we had a window of good weather because sunshine always heightens the mood.

I’m stinkin’ thrilled with the Virginia Creeper I planted on the west side of my house. In one year, it has grown very high up the wall; one runner is perhaps two meters high or more. I want to cover just the one wall, and perhaps part of the wall facing the deck. I planted them for colour and right now, the leaves are turning lovely colours. 

I look out the double glass door that’s to my right when I am typing on my computer. It’s 6:30 pm and there’s only partial daylight, and everything is wet. But I see a valley of green. I planted in the courtyard and in planters on the deck so that when I look out these windows I see a lot of green leading out to the studio. 

The leaves haven’t fallen yet; everything is lush and shiny from the rain. It was a thrilling season because of all the compost that Bronwyn laid down for me, and because of my regular application of fertilizer. This year, everything exploded, so I’m hoping for a similar season next year because I’ve been applying fertilizer all through the Summer and I will again come Springtime. Oh, the magic of chemistry.

Today has dawned clear, bright and cool. Rain is predicted for later today, so we’ll enjoy a long morning walk before settling into an indoor day. There are no social engagements on my calendar until November 6th, when I go to Vancouver.

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