Friday, October 18, 2024

Micro Photography; Meeting Tenley and Keiran

Thursday was a fine day! We went for a long morning walk in glorious welcome sunshine, and when we came home, Sheba went on a neighbourhood walkabout.  She adores Dave and always is going over to his place to see him. Now, however, Dave is working inside his yurt, and so he’s inaccessible for Her Highness. 

I napped while she rummaged around Dave’s lot, and when she came back, I let her in to sleep and I got into the spa for a long, long soak. Next came some ASL review, and then I heard an email arrive and when I checked it out, I found it was from Kris and she was inviting me to her house for happy hour with her, Steve, her hubby, and Tenley, wonderful Stacy’s daughter, and Keiran, her fiancĂ©, and Nancy. 

I really enjoyed meeting Tenley and Keiran because I’ve heard so, so much about all Stacy’s kids from her. Tenley is delightful and she works for Nettwerk Music Group where Crystal once worked and where I made several friends, and Keiran is also a terrific person, and he works for Electronic Arts where my friend David worked for decades.

I came home around 8:30 and barely was able to stay awake, so I went to bed early and this morning, I have awakened to rain. It’s supposed to pour today, but since the weather people invented the term, ‘atmospheric river,’ they are using it all the time and they never materialize. We will enjoy an indoor day today.

The winners of the Nikon Small World Photomicrography competition have been announced for 2024. Here are some of the winners: 

Section of the small intestine of a mouse.

Slime Mold.

Cross section of a European beach grass.

Pollen in a garden spider web.

Wing scales of a butterfly on a syringe needle.

Silene seed.

Beach sand.

Antenna of a Mole Crab.

Dorsal part of a Cuckoo Wasp.

Peacock plume.

Potato tuber sprout.

Aster anther cross section with
pollen grains (yellow/green).

Optic nerve head collagen of a pig.

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