Sunday, June 15, 2014

Me and Pierre

Pierre Trudeau opened the theatre I built in 1975, and when he came, we had this amazingly detailed itinerary that Pierre blew all to Hell when he broke protocol to ask me if I knew renowned local singer Ann Mortifee.  I said we had worked together for months and although I revered her talent and loved her as a performer, I couldn't say I knew her. But I said I knew someone who did and so he asked me to get hold of my friend and get him Ann's number.

I can't believe it, it was so long ago. But that happened and I have been telling people for decades that I pimped for the PM. But, I never knew if they got together, so I wrote to Ann's sister Jane and she forwarded my request to know how the story ends to Ann. Now, Ann and I are getting together this coming week so I can include the ending in my play, HoMe.

I am working to bring other voices into my script.

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