Above is my
homemade fire hazard. It’s a sauna, the water comes out of the papier maché
drying inside. The heat comes from my heater right beside paper. It’s actually
my drying chamber. Things have to dry in a certain shape so they have to dry
quickly and be carefully supported whilst they are drying.
I hated seeing
the neurologist. It was not my idea!
He reassured me there was nothing wrong with my brain. I knew that. But there
is and that says a lot about him. There is just nothing pathologically wrong with my brain and there’s a difference. He
didn’t make the distinction so he winds up giving me that “you have wasted my
time” feeling when he says: “There’s nothing I can do for you.” I knew that. I
didn’t expect him to do anything. I just wanted out of there and to take a bath
and pretend it never happened.
Okay… another
lesson learned. Dr. Shoja says that the more I stay inside, the harder it will
be to go outside. I’m sort of already noticed that. So point taken. I may try
early morning walks when summer the hot weather comes, when it is quiet and
tranquil — like at 5:00 am.
As my friend
Beth did, Dr. S. cautioned me about “getting my hopes too high” about the Arts Club. Will I be sad if they say No?
Probably. Will it last? I doubt it. The thing is, the key voice (the
dramaturge) has read a scenario and scanned the first draft and she called it
“brilliant.” That was the actual word she used and that word is why I am so excited.
It’s her fault.
If the Arts Club does say No, I will ask for
insight into its deficiencies if they don’t offer it. Doing so would make the
experience productive and worthwhile and ease the pain. But I know that soon my
mind will turn to Plan C: finding a co-producer and carrying on or using them
in some way as a fundraiser for a charity.
There’s a
charity here that gives makeovers to women on the Downtown Eastside who are
determined to find a job. The charity dresses them up, coaches them and helps them
with a resumé and I think that might be a good fit with my dresses. I could
organize a charity auction of the ladies, perhaps, and take a percentage to
recover my costs…. It’s an idea.
After a long
time thinking about it, I wrote to Boca
and told them what I thought of their rejection process. I told them I was
writing on behalf of future applicants. Their treatment of me was really
insulting; they should have offered some insight in return for all the work I
did and I said so. I am certain that their rejection was cut and pasted into
all the rejection emails to program applicants.
Three letters
to Charlotte came yesterday. It’s exciting to have them to add to the Arts Club
This morning,
9:00 am, I’ve an appointment with the new physiotherapist. I am keen to see
what he says and does but I am not looking forward to another day of stuttering
and spasticity. I’m f**king sick of stuttering and jerking.