Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Good & Bad News

I’ve an appointment with Dr. Majic, my GP here, early Thursday morning. I’m hoping that he’ll approve a referral to Dr. Angelique Goodhue, a psychiatrist at Nanaimo General Hospital. 
The generator won’t start and I’m pissed.  
I discovered marijuana in 1967 and I’ve been a fan ever since. I told Dr. Shoja I was addicted and she suggested I’d found a way of self-medicating my anxiety. But I’ve lost interest; my use it down about ninety percent. I think it’s a good thing.
It was a warm wet day on Monday—so warm I had to take my coat off during the dog walk. But the warmth of the day didn’t stop me from lighting the fire and doing some baking once I finished cursing the generator.
Today is warm too! Today’s high was predicted to be 7°, but at 6:00 am it was already 8°! This happens when the weather comes from the southern Pacific. Along with the tropical temperatures (for here; for winter) we’re having periodic tropical downpours.
Today I shop and tonight I bake for Chris and Frani’s visit tomorrow.
I’ve not touched my armature for over a month but I’m not suffering from the lack of creative action. I get through my days easily and comfortably. In this mildest of Winters, I enjoy walking Sheba often.

Monday, December 30, 2019


Talk about a book for me! (I love the text at the top left of the cover. Click to enlarge the photo.)
Margy uses a website called WorkAway to get “free” labour.
The WorkAway community is made up of hosts and workers; hosts post about themselves, their home and guest accommodation, their community and its amenities and about the work to be done. And workers who want to visit the host’s community apply to do the work. The hosts pay for the labour with room and board.
Margy gets gets one person for two weeks every year. I like the idea and am considering becoming a Host. I’d get a worker for two weeks, as well: One week to stack my wood get to know the place; and a second week during which I’d want the worker to water the gardens and look after the pets so I could go to Vancouver. It’s a possibbility
It’s the big dog walk today. After that, it’s round two with the f*cking generator. I’ve got to move it to the shed and it’s very heavy and has a bent axle. Plus, I’ve got to hook up a trickle charger to it. From now on, I’ve got to run it for ten minutes on the first of every month.
I’m also going to go to the doctor’s office with a letter asking for an appointment and explaining why I want it. This is my first step to getting an appointment with a Nanaimo psychiatrist and to getting a more specific diagnosis of Selective Mutism.
Then I do start some baking for Chris and Frani’s visit on Wednesday.

Will we or won't we?

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Camp Miriam

Yesterday I met Margy for a two-hour chat. We did the Selfie show together and hadn’t seen each other for a long time. It was fun and I spoke well with her. Then I hurried home—not to do anything in particular, just to be back in the comfort of my paradise with pets where I slept away much of the afternoon. I was exhausted.  
Today’s tasks: I’ve to do some shopping and, while I’m in the village, follow-up on the generator. I heard nothing from the local store yesterday.
Everyone here is talking about the weather. We’ve not yet had a Winter storm and there are no lakes that usually form in low points of our trails. We have, of course, perma-damp (my term), but there is no surface water. And it’s been mild. As I have written, my Narcissus are emerging in my garden.
We have a Jewish summer camp here, Camp Miriam, and someone has defaced it with swastikas. It has upset everyone I know. We hope it’s some kids who didn’t understand what they were doing. Not to excuse it, but kids an be held to a modified standard.

Friday, December 27, 2019

I Am Not a Good Fit With My Generator

My generator cost a fortune because it’s a doozy. It worked twice. Three times since, when I have gone to start it, is has not worked. 
The first time it wouldn’t start, I called Darrell. He got it going but he dropped it off his ramp and ruined one axle and now it is really difficult to move around. The second time, he came over and got it going. This morning, it would not start for the third time. The battery needs recharging.
So … I removed the battery and discovered that it is rechargeable. It says on the battery to refer to the owner’s manual for recharging instructions. There is not a word in the manual about the battery; neither is there any information online—at least that I could find. This kind of work is not natural for me. I am more into the culinary arts. So I went into the village and to the store where I bought it. I expect to hear from them today about how to proceed.
On the plus side: I did very well with the wood chopping. I have learned how to recognize wood in my pile that will split easily and I got a good ten days of kindling chopped.
Last night I watched Knives Out. It was fun but I get lost in crime movies with complicated plots.
Today is predicted to be rainless, as was yesterday. It’ll begin with a community dog walk and then ….