Friday, December 20, 2019


It rained all day Thursday. My steel roof banged like a drum when the downpours came. But I was warm and cozy. I baked cookies and re-made the corn and Brussel sprout dishes that I prepared for my recent dinner party. Then I read my New Yorkers. That was my day.
My day began with a pleasant surprise. It’s rather warm and the birds are back. And although it’s morbidly wet out there, it’s not raining. 
On the dog walk this morning there was forest fall all over the trail and I remarked on it and my fellow dog walkers all said the same thing: “It was that storm!”
“What storm?” I asked them and they laughed. They thought I was kidding but I did not get any sense of a storm yesterday—just a lot of rain. (There were lakes on the trails this morning.) And they told me about a dreadful wind and rainstorm yesterday. Everyone on the dog walk, except Anna and I, had no power for almost four hours.
I’m very glad I missed it.

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