I’m joining an ASL learning group here on Gabe. It will be practical and a chance to meet new people with whom I can use limited signs. Already, I’m dreading these words: “Why don’t we go round the circle and introduce ourselves.” I plan to write to the convener and explain my situation to her so that she can introduce me. I expect to be the only mute in the class.
Also, I’ve written to get an iPad and keyboard again from CAYA. I sent the first one I got back because I wasn’t using it, but now I need one. It’s a communication life jacket for me.
I did not go to fitness yesterday. The two seizures I had at my last class deterred me. I will not be returning. Soon, I see Dr. S. to talk about why I am getting worse. I have written a lot about why it might be, and the experience has been, to use a term from my wasted youth, a downer.
This journey with Dr. S. is much different now, than during the past 8 years. For nearly all that time I was talking about my seizures for the first few years when I was having up to 20 a day. Then it became about speech, and from the beginning, of course, was the abuse story, but we never talked about it, until she used the word, “neglect.” And now our sessions are very personal and not about symptoms. It’s hard going.
I was positively giddy mid-afternoon when the Trump guilty verdict was delivered. Finally, I thought, something political to cheer about.
David has a large pile of wood bits that he’s having picked up and taken to the dump, so I went through the pile yesterday, and filled my wheelbarrow with kindling bits. Hurrah! It is going to be so easy starting quite a few fires with what I got today.
Woo hoo. Bronwyn has purchased plants for my deck containers. I’m excited about rearranging my deck and having fresh plants in the containers. The first plants in these containers became root bound and have been transferred to the garden beds.
It’s another lovely, but coolish, day, and that means more puttering around the yard. But I also go in for a Covid booster today. We currently have Norwalk virus circulating on the island. A fellow I know got it and has been very sick. Sometimes, I am glad to be a bit of a recluse.
Steve is finalizing his plans for his visit. He’ll stay here for a week, and I am very excited about having him here with me. It will be brutal when he departs.
I remain both disappointed and frustrated by my speech difficulties. However, June 11 gets closer and closer with each passing day. That’s when I see Dr. Shoja. I always feel better after I have a session with her.