Thursday, May 16, 2024

Toting; Stacking

Well, I’ve learned something valuable. By not doing much wood toting at all on Tuesday (only 5 barrow loads and my back hurt toting every one of them), I felt strong yesterday. We went for out walk with our friends and then I came home to do 5 loads, after which, I took a break to water the front gardens and to have lunch. My back gave me absolutely no pain at all doing those first 5 loads. 

The birds that have nested in the boxes I put up on the trellis are pure. Joy for me. All morning yesterday, as I stacked inside the shed, they sang like mad, filling the yard with their sweet sound. I may bet more boxes because I love having tenants in my yard. And they have water in my fountain and bird baths, and food in my feeders. My little feathered friends have a good life in Pinecone Park. 

After lunch, I did 5 more loads and then had another short break before doing 5 more. By then my daily total was 15 loads and my back was telling me to take a long break before tackling the last 5 loads for the day. I’ve learned my lessons and this year, even with such a big load of wood, my Zen-like approach to life is working well. I’m very content with the work, especially as I am working in such wonderful weather. 

After a good long break that included a spa, I addressed the last 5 loads. I rejoiced in knowing that at 5:00, I was having an early dinner with Kris at Woodfire. It was a splendid way to inspire myself to do the last five. But after doing 3 loads, I took another break before doing the final 2, but all in all, I’m doing just fine. Thirty loads on Monday, only 5 on Tuesday, and 20 yesterday brings me to a total of 55 loads done. I’d guess that I’m over half-way through the woodpile. 

I finished the last two at 3:30. It was perfect timing. I had an hour and a half to enjoy a spa, walk Her Highness and get to Woodfire to meet Kris for dinner on a beautiful, wonderful night. 

Dwight’s daughter, Natalia, has just completed her third year of university, at UBC. She’s in the Honors English Program and this year, she finished her year with a 91% grade point average. I can’t imagine how happy Dwight and Laura must be about their daughter. She will have a remarkable life, I suspect. 

Today, I hope to do 20 loads. I’ll work slowly to achieve my goal, and to give my back a rest, I’ll be watering the beds and praying for rain.

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