Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Schlepping & Stacking

Monday morning, being slightly overcast, was a refreshing temperature, so I was very busy all morning. I did dishes, vacuumed, weed wacked the courtyard, leaf blew the courtyard and deck, and I laid out the tarpaulin so that the driver can dump the wood on it. The supplier, although always well stocked with wood, often has dirty loads, so the tarp keeps my driveway clear of all the shite.

He arrived with the first load at 8:30, so I began the endless schlepping that will be a big part of this week. And I began my annual ritual of counting the wheelbarrow loads. The driver said that he’d be back in an hour and a half with the second load, so I got busy to make space on the tarp for the second load.

By the time he arrived with load number two only an hour later, I’d stacked 10 wheelbarrow loads. That rather astounded me because I’d normally take all morning or all afternoon to do 10 loads. I was chuffed to have done so much, so quickly. But after load #2 was dumped, I took a. break to give my back a rest.

Sidebar: Early in the schlepping and stacking, a large piece of wood rolled off the pile and banged into my ankle. Immediately, I had a huge blood blister, so I came into the house to pop it. I decided to use my xacto knife to make a tiny slit, and somehow, in the process of getting ready to do it, I shoved my xacto knife deep into my thumb and I hit bone. It bled like Niagara; I had trouble stopping it, but I did manage to effectively drain the blister.

When I stopped for my first break and took off my glove, it was dense with blood, but the wound was stopped. Yesterday was not a dull day at Pinecone Park.

I confess that I did not return to work after my break with boundless enthusiasm. It’s enough that I went back for more. I did 10 more loads before lunch, thereby setting a personal record for the most wood schlepped in a morning during my tenure here on Gabriola. Twenty heavy loads stacked.

I enjoyed my lunch break, and I was grateful for the lightly overcast skies. I was able to work without sweat drenching me. Regardless, I had a good wash and changed my dressings after lunch, and then I went into the village to grocery shop. I have no stacking deadline, so it seemed like a good idea to extend my mid-day break with some shopping time. 

In the car going and coming home, and for the entire time I was in the stores, I could not stop yawning. By the time I came back into the house, my face was wet with tears from all the yawning, so I decided to take a nap before doing any more work. I slept until 3:00, and then I lit a fire before going back to work on the wood. The fatigue and feeling cold is likely due to Mr. Old-as-Hell doing so much work.

My finger, where I stabbed it with the xacto, is throbbing and very sore. What a stupid thing to do when you need both hands to lift and tote. I did another 5 loads and then took another break for my back before doing another 5 loads and then calling it quits to get into the spa and glory in the heat.

Oh, such sweet fatigue! I was able to thoroughly enjoy my dinner and television in the evening after so busy and tiring a day. Good on me!

Today I must take Her Highness for her grooming, and then return to pick her up, so my morning will be spent watering between trips. And at 1:00, right after lunch, I have a Zoom session with Dr. Shoja, so I be able to start with the wood until 2:00.  That’s fine with me!

Andrew is done. The house has its floor, interior walls and built-in features, and the roof. Now Dave will begin working with a series of sub-contractors. He’ll begin with the plumbing and wiring. It’s quieter, but I’m excited about seeing it progress through the remaining work.

I like this work with the wood. I like that I have only a half-day to work today. The weather forecast is all sunshine, so I won’t be hurrying. And then Bronwyn comes, and I’ll be working with her, plus watering. But when she’s finished, the essential annual yard re-fresh will be done, and only watering and maintenance will be up to me.

I love doing all this work, wood and all. I love being active and outdoors. Kris and Nancy want to come for tea. I plan to invite them and together we will celebrate the seasonal opening of Pinecone Park. This is what I live for, this weather, gardening, guests.

By 8:30, I was ready for bed. I love going to bed. I love sleeping and I look forward to today.

The natural carpet is lush and, as you can see, the Daisies are thriving.
Click on the photos to enlarge them.

This garden is the one everyone sees, so I've been working on it a lot.

Yesterdays stacking.

The wood on the right of the vertical beam is 2 years seasoned.
The wood on the left, stacked slightly forward to allow air to circulate
behind it, is new wood.

This enormous pile is what I have left to stack. 

I sort out the little pieces in the loads of wood I receive to use
it as kindling. It's tedious schlepping all the little pieces to this
pile but it is worth the work in the end.

It's hard to see, but my Laburnum is about to bloom. There
are lot of strings of pendulous yellow blossoms all over it.

This is the new wood lining around a bed that is closes to the back gate.

And this bare earth is where I removed the dying Salal, Blackberry vines
and all the detritus on the ground. Slowly it will naturalise. 

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