Thursday, December 19, 2019

Chateau Paradis

Dwight canceled his visit this weekend. Jody, his brother, is sick and cannot leave Calgary. I’m disappointed, but they may visit in January instead.
Is it true? Has someone made a road trip movie about three disabled guys who go to a brothel for disabled men? Yes. Really? Hilariously yes! It’s a movie called Come As You Are and the trailer (link) made me laugh out loud. Check it out! It’s got a Canadian connection; the brothel is Chateau Paradis is in Montreal.
The birds were still missing yesterday. There were a few a-feeding, but only briefly. Even the Jays were nowhere to be seen all day. I don’t get it, and I really miss them all.
Today, some Thrushes, Towhees and several small birds are back. Thank God. I hope they stay all day like they used to. Time to put out more food!
Wednesday was quiet. It was raining and my mind was full of thoughts and questions about “selective mutism,” “social anxiety disorder,” C-PTSD and whether or not to return to Dr. Shoja for a talk.  I think I’ll wait a while and see where my thoughts go and how living goes.
Just after 9:00 am, a Jay! Hooray!
I just finished some baking and now I am off to run Sheba. I’ve resolved to work on the armature of my grotesque this afternoon while I listen to something trashy on Netflix.

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