Saturday, September 21, 2024

An Easy Work Day

Friday was another glorious and sunny day. I began my day with an early morning spa. It’s so delicious to be toasty warm in the water on a morning with coolish temperatures (13°). Next up was our walk with our friends, all of whom were in the best of spirits due to the sunny refreshing weather. And then Sheba came with me to the village so I could do some shopping.

When I got home, I got busy making Jamie Oliver’s Spicy Shrimp Soup. I watched him making it on TV Thursday evening and it looked so, so good, I wanted to have some for lunch. I followed the recipe exactly, and it tasted like dish water. I hated it, and I think the brand of Korma Curry Sauce that I got here on Gabe is shite compared to the sauce that Jamie uses. So, I got creative and added some spices and some red curry paste, and it’s now delicious!

After lunch, I spread wood chips on two of my raised beds in the edible garden. To do that, I had to go back to the nursery for more chips, and I also bought more soil to spread over an area that is largely gravel and right in front of my new bed. 

Shovelling the wood chips into the two 30-gallon containers I fill, wore me out so completely, I climbed into the truck and onto the bed for a brief respite and recovery. Spreading the chips over the ground where my Blueberries grow, was easy and fulfilling. The chips will help the soil of the beds retain water in Summer.

Next was spreading the soil over the gravel. It, too, was easy and satisfying work. And by then, I was feeling rather pooped, so I rested for a bit, and then I got busy making a nice big batch of pesto because nothing is more delicious than pasta with pesto and lots of Parmesan cheese. Yum!

Today, my plan is to do more easy work, staking all the Raspberry canes so that they are not damaged by Winter storms and snow. But I shall await the sunshine, for this morning it is cloudy, and we even had a shower.

I watched in interview with Michael Caine on YouTube, and he told a wonderful story about being at a very posh party and noticing that he was getting a lot of side eye from an elderly dowager. When he found himself free of admirers and friends, he approached her saying that he’d noticed her watching him and pointing him out to her friends.

“Are you a drug dealer,” she asked him.

“No,” he said, “what makes you think that I am?”

“Well, I hear everyone saying that you’re ‘my cocaine.’”

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