Tuesday, November 26, 2013

If I didn't know this wasn't Liberace, I would swear it was. This is a photo of a Betta that looks exactly like him; Liberace has the the same blue/salmon coloration. It is from a series of photographs of Bettas taken by Thai photographer Visarute Angkatavanich and you can see more of them  here.

My tank is on a timer. The lights automatically come on at 11:00 am and they turn off at 9:00 pm. I get up anywhere between 5:30 and 6:30 am and it kills me to have to wait until 11:00 each morning for the lights to go on. When they do, I am there looking at every plant and fish. I feel exactly like the little boy I remember being who, when he got his first guppy, spent all night in the kitchen waiting for her to give birth so I could see it.

My fish are the perfect contemplative focus for me when I come home from visiting Chris A. in the palliative care ward across the street.

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