Monday, July 25, 2016

Surprises from House Arrest

There have been some surprising developments in spite of my house arrest:
Attracted to the cutest little Australian Shepherd doggie, I met his owner, Ross, who Ross told me bout It’s a site that links dog owners who leave their pets at home all day with people like me who want to walk and/or play with a dog but not to own one.
More astounding was discovering Ross was gay, a nurse clear about the non-hazards of non-detectable levels of HIV and he has PTSD and stammers. Plus he wants to date me. What are the odds? (I am not interested at all dating but his interest was flattering.)
That was my big event of yesterday. Today’s was leaving my building at 6:50 am to go to St. Paul’s for my quarterly blood test and fifty meters from my back door I came upon the body of a dead man. Someone had called the police who arrived and covered him.
The two shots above are snapshots from the statistics of readership of this blog. The graph reveals a recent sudden and dramatic increase in readership. The map shows you that the surge has come from Russia.
Tomorrow my wonderful ex, Steve, arrives. My life is going to go from 20 rpms to 200. Steve lives at a frantic pace. He comes back to Vancouver each year for Pride.
Yesterday I walked for a while with my friend Margot. She wanted a coffee so we went to a place near the beach that was crowded and loud. I could not take it. I seized right up and had to flee. The experience has had me decide not to participate in any Pride events with Steve this coming weekend.

Acute PTSD is certainly changing my life, but not for the worse.

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