Thursday, January 9, 2025


Each day is the same. Each day is structured around meals and walks. There are naps, usually two, and there is the computer. I subscribe to three YouTube channels: Martijn Doolard, a Hollander who bought two derelict stone buildings on six hectares of Italian Alp land; Bram and Simon, two fellows, one German, the other Dutch, bought an old farm in France, and Eric is a Swede who has built and is living in a log home on remote family land.

I’ve been watching Martijn from the beginning of his journey. I’m excited to see his weekly vlog every Sunday morning. It’s better than television because it’s real, and all of these fellows are good at filming, editing and scripting. I respect them and their achievements, and I am drawn to their personalities.

And because of these three subscriptions, YouTube is always offering me a palette of frontier adventurers building cabins in remote places. Watching them all, humbles me. These guys to electrical, plumbing, concrete, solar, etc. Eric is unbelievable with wood. He is a magician, and he has very nice thighs. I really like watching people build things. I have since childhood. Watching these videos has replaced reading as my primary source of entertainment. I also watch baking and medical videos.

Each day, I get a thrill from checking off another day as I get closer to my heart tests. I’ll be crushed if nothing is revealed.

Last night, I heard Sheba jump off the bed. Soon afterwards, she was back, jumping back onto the bed, and it made me wonder: Did she get up to pee in the house by any chance? So, I got up, fetched a flashlight and discovered that she had peed on a carpet in the hall. Stink mystery solved. Henceforth, I shall be walking her late at night before we go to bed, and today I wash all my carpets.

It's bright and there are many patches of blue sky today. I shall Zoom with my UK FND group, do some chores, have naps and walk with Her Highness. This afternoon’s walk will be a nice one because it is so mild and bright.


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