Monday began with a good long slow walk with our friends on a very beautiful morning. Driving home from Windecker trail, I had the window open, and I felt very, very good, partly due to the beauty of the day, and partly because Sheba has four working feet and is more herself again. Plus, the hallway carpet was urine-free.
We went into the village to do some shopping, and then I came home to do some fertilizing of my edible garden and my beloved Paulownia tree. When my work was done, Her Highness and I went for our afternoon walk. Again, it was wondrous to be so warm and to feel the sunshine on my skin as we played fetch in Rollo Park. I wore no coat and yet I was comfortably warm. It was a gorgeous day … until four o’clock when it clouded over.
Grayson wrote to say that he’d be working here today. I’m going to talk to him about helping me clear out what I call, the dump. It’s a large, covered area behind the shed that is currently filled with crap. I’m going to ask Grayson if he’d be willing to empty the dump, and put it into two different piles, one for garbage, and one for offering free to people on our community Facebook page.
Doing all that would covert the dump into another covered woodshed. All the wood Grayson is making will not be usable this winter, so I need more space for storage rather than for burning. Wood management is a big concern of mine because it’s the fire that keeps me so happy and cozy here at home.
I feel adapted to life without breath now that I’ve become comfortable hiring people. I’ve been very lucky, both Henri and Grayson are very easy to be around, and both are so hard-working.
Today has dawned clear and bright again, but tomorrow the rains return and so there may be a break for a while until Grayson returns. Sheba and I will enjoy our walks today and when we’re not walking, we’ll be chillin’ at home. When these rains come, they’ll wash all the fertilizer I spread yesterday into the soil and roots of all my floral friends.
Here are some photos of Grayson’s work:
This photo doesn't do justice to the amount of wood that Grayson chopped on Sunday. |
This hugely long tree will be bucked and split. It's a relatively thin tree. See below. |
These are rounds from the trees felled two years ago. The big one facing you is as high as my waist. Grayson will split them for me. This wood burns hot and fast. |
This beautiful tree was split at the base and fell during the bomb cyclone. Grayson will buck this massive mast today and then split it. |
This is one a many piles of branches from the felled trees. They are excellent to burn. |
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