Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Off to See the Eye Surgeon

I spent yesterday morning watering all the beds thoroughly. It took 2 hours, but I am surprised to be at total peace with the demands of watering this year. My plants are as friends to me, and so to care for them is rewarding. Once that was done, I arranged for my free ferry pass with the government service, and then Sheba and I went for a long and lovely walk together. I felt good walking because I knew that all my plants were happy.

Then it was time to stain the deck. Again, I was thoroughly happy to do the work. I’m not rushed, Pete did the hard part, and it is so satisfying to stain new wood on the deck. It is looking fine and there is no more rot. I felt over-the-moon to finish the staining because not the whole project, begun so dramatically last year, is now finished.

When I was done, I took time to rest in the sunshine. How I love the warmth of the sun on my skin when it is not too hot outside. I lay on my recliner for a nice early afternoon rest while the stain dried on the deck. After my nap, I put the plants back on the deck and order was restored. Today, when I go back to the eye surgeon, I shall look for some more plants to fill a few holes in two of the beds. How I love this time of year, and how I love gardening!

Today is cloudy and rain is predicted. I am praying for it to pour while Her Highness and I are in Nanaimo. I’m seriously looking forward to a sushi lunch and some browsing time in the big nursery there. Then I see the surgeon, then we come home to Pinecone Park. I can hardly wait to be back home, and I haven’t even left yet.

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