Friday, September 27, 2024

Dear Maggie

Our day, yesterday, that began so bright and sunny, soon changed. By 10:00 it had clouded over, and by 11:00 it had begun to rain. We got our morning forest walk done in good time, and I was rather chuffed afterwards. I walked rather normally for a change. I never felt short of breath, and my hips were not forcing me to take a break every 5 minutes or so.

The remainder of the morning involved undertaking a slew of domestic duties. I fixed a broken cupboard handle, put many, many things away that I had left out to be put away for a long time, paid my bills, including my home insurance that rose 25% after one year with this new company. I hate insurance companies!

Suddenly, I have so very much free time, now that watering the garden beds is done by the climate instead of moi. I have time for things like deleting old emails, clearing outdated things from the fridge, filing papers, and updating my calendar with all my upcoming appointments.

By 3:00, it was raining and windy. Regardless, when the rain has slowed to a sprinkle, Her Highness and I went to Rollo Park to play fetch. Because it’s a perfectly flat field, it was not challenging to walk.

MY evening was fabulous because I started watching the 14th season of The Great British Baking Show. It’s the only show on cable television that I like. And tonight, I will watch more episodes.

Today began with a sudden burst of tears, and then a long cry. I’d opened my computer and because I’d been looking at the CNN website late yesterday, Safari opened on CNN and I read the tragic news: Maggie Smith is gone. I was and am still heartbroken. I adored the woman and the actor. Rest in peace Jean Brodie.

Today is bright and sunny and it is predicted to last all day. I shall attend to some garden duties today, and our walks will be longer and brighter. 

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