Sunday, September 22, 2024

Rain! Hooray!

Saturday began with dark clouds overhead and one short shower, but by 10:00, when the Farmers’ Market opened, the sky had cleared, and we had lovely bright sunshine again. As we walked through the stalls, it was a modest 15°. We saw Eoin and François and their dogs. After visiting the market, we went for a forest walk before returning home. I have to say that my forest walks is some of the best therapy that I get. I am so, so happy on my walks.

I fed the brood at lunchtime, and then I got busy attending to the Raspberry canes. I reinforced them all; they are now set for Winter. I am glad to do some work every sunny day, and the poor Raspberry canes desperately needed some help. I planted some Grape Tomatoes in the same bed as the Raspberries and that was a mistake. Next year, the Tomatoes go in staked pots.

The day was flying by, so I took Her Highness for our afternoon walk and came home exhausted. I just can’t walk for very far anymore, but I’m going to keep walking. I don’t want to let COPD stop me from doing things that I can do if I take the tasks slowly and carefully. As clouds rolled in, I thoroughly enjoyed slipping into the spa for a lovely long soak before dinner.

Dwight called to propose a visit and a trip to Victoria together. He wants to see an exhibition and plans to come over this way in October. It means driving to Victoria on a Saturday, and back, on the same day. We’ll have Sheba, so we’ll stop places to walk. We don’t have to do that, but I like to make the trip more interesting by stopping to put feet on ground. We’ll be together for four hours that day as we drive. It’ll be a blast to be together and I won’t mind the drive at all with someone to talk with. Besides, he may drive one way.

And there’s Thanksgiving that month for me, as well. Di, Dana and Jane are coming, and I am cooking the turkey. I love being with these people. We have a shared history over a long period of time. I feel blessed that Di comes here every year for Thanksgiving. It has meaning now. I hope the four of us continue to celebrate this holiday together.

Today’s goal is simple. It’s Sunday, so my only task is to please myself. There are no ‘shoulds’ or ‘musts’ on Sunday. And lordy, lordy, lordy, it’s raining! Not hard, but hard enough to absolve me from having to water today. I shall do some ASL studying and chill, for tonight I party with Nancy, Steve and Kris.

The photo curator will be back tomorrow.

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