Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Off to be Radiated

 Tuesday dawned cold and bright. With so much snow covering everything and reflecting what little light there was at 5:00 am, it was silent and beautiful when I went outside for wood. I wore by high rubber boots because the snow is so very, very deep. So much for hoping for a snowless Winter.

I fed the birds, and they are very, very happy—especially the gorgeous golden Varied Thrushes that are terribly abundant this year. But I did not walk Sheba in the morning, hoping the snowplow might come along our street and that we could walk around the block in the afternoon.

Well, the snowplow never came, but neither did more snow. So, in the afternoon, I put crampons on my gumboots and walked Sheba around the block, walking in the tire tracks to lesson my load.

All day, I kept checking the My Health website looking for the results of my echocardiogram, but all it said all day what it has said all week: “Pending February 4th.” But finally, at 4:30, it was posted, but it’s all medical jargon and I cannot understand it all. But it seems to indicate no problem except for one sentence that might be a clue” “There is a small apical LV aneurysm. No obvious apical LV thrombus although this cannot be definitively excluded without contrast.” Sigh. I have learned nothing from these results. 

By dinnertime the sky was quite bright. There were even moments of sunshine. It was a delightful way to end the day. And this morning I arose to find that no snow fell during the night. What a relief! I am optimistic that I will be able to get to the ferry and onto it this morning. I’m off for my first MIBI scan, and the plan is for a second one tomorrow (but there’s a slight chance the second one may be cancelled). 

I can’t believe that I’m about to have radioactive isotopes put into my blood stream later this morning. But this afternoon, I get to pick up a burger on my way to the ferry on my return trip. Then home to Sheba, the kitty cats, the fire, and then my bed.

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