Friday, February 28, 2025

Back Attack!

Thursday began rough. I could barely walk due to lower back pain when I rose to feed the brood, and once I was done, I went back to bed. I must have slept wrong because returning to bed really helped. By 10:00 am, I felt good enough to have a shower and take Her Highness for a walk. It was overcast, but still lovely and warm. We are predicted to have temperatures as high as 15° next week. Summer!

Our walk was wonderful thanks to many things: Sheba’s grit at dealing with her sore foot, the incredible fragrances of the forest, and walking without enough back pain to complain about. And then we came home to enjoy another slow day together, and more reading of the second book of the Slow Horsesseries. Oh my God, Mick Herron is an arresting spy novelist. 

The best part of the day was the happiness I felt about ‘dodging the [back pain] bullet.’ When it came on, I thought, oh no, here goes another week of pain and asking for help walking Sheba. I’m so fucking sick of being sick, I was dreading another health challenge. But it passed, and I was one very, very happy 77-year-old boy!

Today has dawned bright and sunny. It’s quite fresh this morning, but this afternoon could reach 13°! Last night, Sheba damaged another foot, so today will be like every day of the past two weeks: slow and gentle.

Three more sleeps until Dr. Chen, and Monday is predicted to be very warm and brilliantly sunny. I love going to the big island when it is bright and sunny. I go in such a great mood.

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