Damien Lewis as Henry |
Mark Rylance as thomas Cromwell |
Clare Foy as Ann Bolyn |
Jessica Raine as Jane Bolyn |
Wolf Hall is coming to PBS next year. It is a BBC production that aired in England this year and a friend sent me the DVD of it. Yesterday, I binge-watched (as i like to do) all six episodes of the first season. What a treat. Oh my God!
Mark Rylance and Damien Lewis. Oh my God, Damien Lewis. He floors me as Henry. I expected greatness from Mark Rylance and knew he was in it, but I was not expecting Damien Lewis whom I adored in Homeland—another show I binge watched when I was sick. I watched three seasons non-stop. And that has Damien Lewis and Clare Danes. Oh my God.
Clare Foy —FABULOUS as Ann Bolyn. She is magnificent. Jonathan Pryce is also magnificent as Cardinal Wolsley. He is just absolutely perfect, Niki. And I am a big fan of Jessica Raine who plays Jane Bolyn. It's all wonderful. The music, the sets, the lighting. It is a wonderful watch. Mark Rylance carries the entire production.
I won't tell you anything or spoil it for you in any way, but I want to tell you one thing. The beginning is a bit choppy—we move back and forth in time and are just getting to know the characters when something quite dramatic happens and I wept. I wept for characters I barely knew yet. That is how good the acting and the writing, editing, designing and sound mixing is. It grabs you and you are there. I never had that feeling for a second with Downton.
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