Monday, October 7, 2024

The Wonderful Apple and Fall Fair

Sunday began dark, damp and so after I fed the brood and lit the fire, I went back to bed. When I got up, the sky looked slightly brighter and it gave me hope that by noon, when the Apple Festival opens, the weather, and the crowd, would be better. 

By 9:00, I felt ready to walk with Her Highness, so off we went to the short trail we both like. I was not feeling up to a long walk. Besides, I planned to take Sheba with me to the Fair. But once outside and walking, I took pleasure in every moment. Nothing beats being out in nature to lift your spirits. We had a great walk and came home to a nice warm house.

The apple Fest was a blast. Sheba and I had a very good time. There were zillions of dogs because there was a wonderful (and very informal) dog show. She had a million anuses to smell, and the best ones were Molly’s and Minjou’s because she knows and loves them both. There were zillions of booths (that’s Gabriola zillions), many offering food, others offering information on Gabriola non-profit organizations, but the best part was seeing people that I knew.

Tracy was there. She convinced her caregivers to let her out of the hospital for a few days, and she came to the fair with Keith. Poor Trace was just diagnosed with bone cancer, and she is not in good shape. She sneezed and broke three ribs; that’s how she found out about her condition. Soon she starts on Thalidomide! She is going to become very sick from the treatment. All my fellow dog walkers were there, friends from the arts council, neighbours, and lots and lots of dogs. I had a fabulous time.

When we got back home, a rest was in order. I was beat from the walk and all the excitement of the festival. Later in the afternoon, Pete came by with plants for me from his garden. We had a great visit, and he is coming back today to do more work on my faucet.

I am looking forward to this week because I have not one single meeting or Zoom call on my schedule. I have an entire week to myself here at home. Heaven!

Apples for juicing. They were selling glasses of fresh juice.

The juicers.

Chess on the Commons grounds.

Apple fritters, donuts and other Apple goodies. I, of course,
could not resist a fritter.

Dogs await their turn in the 'show off' ring.

They have a flower competition, and there are also 
vegetable competitions. This is the marijuana
competition table.

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