Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Getting Back to Normal


Yesterday began with a mystery. I had no emails from my friends about walking our dogs this morning. Curious, I tried to access my email via the Internet instead of using my Mail program on my iMac. No luck. Eventually, I learned that Shaw mail was down, although there was absolutely no notice of the problem on the Shaw/Rogers website.

Although the day began and ended on glorious sunshine, much of the day was spent under a thin overcast that kept out island cooler than it’s been of late, so I got some yard chores done. I felt very good about that. I also went shopping and watched a guy steal two watermelons from Nester’s. And when I got home, Glynnis, a neighbour, happened by and we enjoyed a nice little catch up at the foot of my driveway.

I watered everything thoroughly after my day off from the chore, and I am very happy to be able to do it without any frustration at all. I am at peace with watering, I am thrilled to say, and this is new. Every year here until this Summer, I really hated watering. But no more!

I’m excited, too, about having a new goal. I want to make another bed, and then move several plants into it. It will involve more rocks from Eoin and François’ place and fresh soil. I plan to build the bed and then have Bronwyn move the plants when she treats my beds with compost and does some pruning. I’ve written to her to make some plans. As for my plans, moving the rocks may be a challenge unless my weakness has left me. I will probably wait until after I see Dr. Shoja and get off Clonazepam to get started.

And … VICTORY!  I did something besides watering. I did some chores that I’d been wanting to do. It was a pretty normal, semi-productive day. I did nothing strenuous.


Tuesday was really, really lovely. We got off to a slow start because some of the garden beds were still damp from Monday’s watering. However, when I did get down to it, it was a pleasure. I’m so chuffed that the hate I had for watering in the past exists no longer.

I am getting rocks from Eoin and François on Friday or Saturday. I will use them to create a new bed where I tried to save the Boxwood that Steve and Dan gave me. All the Boxwood died except one plant. So, I will have Bronwyn move it to the new bed I create as well as some other plants that are not thriving in their current location.

Last evening I got an email from my friend and former boss Bill. He and his partner, Marsha, are coming to visit and I am over the moon about their coming. I could write a book about Bill. He had a vast influence on my life. It was Bill who welcomed me to work at the theatre he was inaugurating (the Arts Club). From age 4, I was passionate about theatre, so being given my first job in professional theatre was truly a dream come true. 

It’s cloudy this morning and rain is predicted for Monday and Tuesday of next week. This is great news as it will be really good for this very dry island. 

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